Wednesday, February 09, 2022

"Full Reverse!!" the DNC Yelled

Sefton at AOSHQ finds a column which 'splains a lot.

...The memo has gone out: It is time for every cultural institution, politician, and corporate media outlet to pivot on [Chinese] COVID-19. They must reverse their Covidstan policies, advocate a return to normal, and make excuses for the missteps of the health bureaucracy. The speed and shamelessness with which the narrative shift happened are breathtaking, and it can only mean one thing. The internal polling for Democrats in the midterms is beyond dismal, and areas assumed to be safely in the "D" column are at risk. We mustn't let them get away with the rewrite of history they are attempting. . . 

 . . . the Covidstan authoritarians are trying to convince you something has changed. The only word for this is lying. Nothing substantial has changed. Democrats, the health bureaucracy, and the corporate media cannot be allowed to retcon the [Chinese] COVID response over the last two years. We are only beginning to understand the damage to our children and society. The wreckage must be laid directly at their feet....

Locally, USA Today's little branch is obviously asking the question, as are the TeeeeVeeee people.  Someone obviously sent them the memo.

But it hasn't arrived on the desk of the (totally irrelevant) Governor of Wisconsin, nor--apparently--on the desk of Word-Salad Tosser Acting-Mayor Johnson of Milwaukee.

Stay tuned.

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