Monday, December 13, 2021

Underly: Property of WEAC

There's another way to phrase the relationship between Jill Underly and the Wisconsin teacher's union, but it's Advent, so we're being polite.

The Legislature designated $77 million of Federal "Covid relief for education" funds to go to school districts which maintained in-person education.  Tony Evers signed off on that plan.

That pretty much cut out Milwaukee, Madison, and Racine public schools from that little bit of the far-larger total Federal pie.  Sure enough, Poopy-Pants' flunky in "education" nixed that plan.

Then Jill Underly--who sent her children to a Catholic school until it was clear that she'd be running for office--got smart-assed, as is the normal practice for educators, and told the Legislature to do it HER way.

Yah, well, Jill--there's another budget coming up in a couple of years and you'd be surprised how easy it is to move $77 million into Districts which actually care more for their kids than for the teachers' union.  It's said that elephants have a very good memory.  Don't count on your only (R) ally Alberta Darling to steamroll the rest of the Party on this one, either.

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