Monday, September 06, 2021


Grim's Hall member Douglas found this.

He quoted Montesquieu:

 "As virtue is necessary in a republic, and honor in a monarchy, fear is what is required in a despotism. As for virtue, it is not at all necessary, and honor would be dangerous there.”


William said...

Have you read We Will Not Be Silenced by Dr. Erwin W Lutzer? Chapter 5 is pretty much right on. Almost done with it and half way through Dreher's Live Not by Lies.

Dad29 said...

Working on "The Lion of Munster" about the Cardinal-Archbishop of that city during WWII. Learning a lot about totalitarian methodology....

William said...

Sounds a lot of what Lutzer speaks of in Chapt. 5. I made add yours to my list. It's pretty long, though. Planning on trying to tackle The Mission of God by Dr. Joseph Boot.