Sunday, August 15, 2021

Parents Dumping Schools

Apparently the parents are voting with their feet.

Hundreds of thousands of kindergartners across the country expected to enroll in traditional schools or attend online classes have been no-shows.

The coronavirus pandemic, the economic fallout, and two years of inconsistent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have worried parents to the point that they've chosen to forgo traditional schools altogether....

Notice what's missing as a 'cause'?  Both mask mandates and CRT indoctrination.  Hmmmm.

So the FedGov--the teachers' unions greatest ally--predicts DOOM!!

...But new data from the federal government seem to show that the decision to keep the children at home might have done more harm than good in the long run....

Well, you won't find such "data" in the news story.  But you will find that children in ALL grades who were abandoned by their teachers' union members or school boards have fallen behind.

Since they were behind lots of other competing countries for the last 20 years or so, what difference does it make at this time?

1 comment:

leonard shirin said...
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