Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Lefty Hair On Fire Over Forensic Audit

 The flopsweat of the ultra-Left is running like a river.  In this article screed, Milwaukee Pravda's in-house Bolshevik Boy does everything possible to slander a legislator without actually slandering him.  And if you read far enough into his semi-fiction, you find that there's no "there" there.

A Wisconsin lawmaker says he’s working on securing donations for a review of last year’s presidential election even though he and other Republicans have railed against using private funds to run those elections....

The fact that one has nothing to do with the other is ignored.  Typical Bolshie:  rhetoric, not reason.

Next, we have the "secret password" thing!

...Ramthun titled his video "The Calm Before the Storm" — a phrase frequently used by QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that contends the government is controlled by a cabal of Satanist pedophiles....

The phrase has been fairly common since 1815 or so, in a wide variety of literary works, sermons, and speeches.  Most literate people have read the phrase more than once in their life.  Maybe Pravda's scribbler should get out more. 

It takes the reporter typist twenty paragraphs to get to the truth of the matter:

Ramthun suggested he could get Cyber Ninjas or a group like it to help in Wisconsin if needed.

..."To me, I have to be able to ask the question of the (Legislative Audit Bureau) and Mr. Gableman’s scope, ‘Will you be able to do something comprehensive and extensive?’ And if they can, OK. If they can’t, I want to have third-party vendors ready to go so that we can aid that process using that leverage," he said. "Yes, we have some dialogue going but nothing's signed off on, nothing's carved in stone, but we're ready to go when we need to."...

Oh.  You mean Ramthun is merely looking at an insurance policy?

Nope.  The Bolshie knows Ramthun is a THREAT TO THE NATION!!!  And he managed to find the dumbest Democrat in the pack to declare TREASON!!!!

..."There are people that I think are traitors to this country. They're looking to undermine democracy," he said. "If you can't stand up for our system, I don't know how we can  view you as anything else."

Asked if he was saying that Ramthun is a traitor, Hintz said, "That's the way — yeah.

"There are people that I think are traitors to this country. They're looking to undermine democracy," he said. "If you can't stand up for our system, I don't know how we can  view you as anything else."

Asked if he was saying that Ramthun is a traitor, Hintz said, "That's the way — yeah....

Wait until these jackwads find out that there will be a canvass!

Thirty years ago, the Local Pravda owned a multi-storied building in downtown Milwaukee.  Now that building is being re-developed into apartments, and Pravda rents a few square feet in somebody else's building.  They order one barrel of ink per month.

You get one guess as to why.

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