Saturday, August 14, 2021

Educating Bill Glauber. Think It'll Work?

Among the Milwaukee Pravda's never-ending parade of OCD attacks on Ron Johnson, we find a "Bill Glauber" deriding Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

No point in re-plowing ground here, so I'll just quote from a respected national pundit.

...We like Viktor Orban’s Hungary not because Orban is a crook or strongman or whatever you want to call him, but because Orban seems to genuinely love Hungary and is willing to try whatever he can to make the lives of Hungarians better, to protect them from outside power that threatens their way of life. That means in practice strong border controls, throwing money at family formation to see what sticks, and restrictions on media and NGOs and corporations that undermine Hungarian identity. Those are each implemented in Hungary by Hungarians in Hungary-specific ways. ...

...Hungary offends because Hungary represents an alternative to the post-war consensus. It is a living piece of Middle Europe and not a part of some new order of the ages. It thus is not only resistant to the after-’89 liberal internationalism of the American unipolar moment—one the U.S. has failed to maintain spectacularly (though our elites did not fail to capitalize on it)—but is also a symbol of a road not taken after the World Wars, the wreckage of which we all still live in. While world leaders after Yalta sought stability in a dualist globe divided East and West, a paradigm we are still tempted by especially as China continues its swift ascent, Hungary exists now as a would-be independent patch in some unsewn quilt of nations. It is content to be for Hungarians, to be not just by the Danube but of the Danube, unhomogenized. As America faces a multipolar future, in that, there’s much to learn. ...

Globaloney Glauber disagrees.


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