We all know that it's wrong to discriminate, right? Can't treat similar things differently, right?
Not if it would ruin The Narrative and The Agenda.
...In 1976 during the Swine Flu pandemic the U.S. attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans, but at that point the shot caused about 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths.
“The program was killed, at 25 deaths,” McCullough said.
Compare that type of response to the government’s reaction to much higher reported death numbers related to the Moderna and Pfizer shots and the contrast is alarming, McCullough said, especially when the shots have not even been granted full FDA approval and are only being allowed on the market under an Emergency Use Authorization.
“In the U.S. today [as of late March] we have approximately 77 million people vaccinated for COVID and we have 2,602 deaths reported, so it’s unprecedented how many deaths have accrued,” he said....
Let's not forget the 12,000++ serious injuries also reported.
But there's more!!
...“Then on March 8 the CDC announced on their website with very little fanfare, that they had reviewed about 1,600 deaths with unnamed FDA doctors and they indicated not a single death was related to the vaccine,” he added. “I think that was concerning in the academic community.”...
Oh, really?
...McCullough said he knows from first-hand experience that doing a thorough investigation into 1,600 potentially vaccine-related deaths would have taken months to complete....
Yah, but "thorough" is not the objective here, friend.
It's not just the people that die due to complications of the experimental shot, but also the reports of fully experimentally shot people being diagnosed with ... wait for it ... The WuFlu! No. I'll not be a guinea pig.
That video can be found at Leo Holmann, and it was well worth 20 minutes to listen to Dr. Peter McCullough talk about the vaccine and the virus. One of the things he said we just lived through experience. You have Covid and there are no protocols offered to you by your own doctor. Our doctor gave a half-hearted mention to monoclonal antibodies, and never mentioned anything else. We had to find on our own Vit D3, Vit C, Zinc, Quercetin, Ivermectin, etc. We couldn't even get in to see our doctor, and if you wanted help, you had to go to the ER. What is going on...it's like it's the vaccine or nothing. We've never experienced that in our America before.
Informed consent is the law. You must be told when you participate in a clinical trial, which is what the entire vaccine effort IS, a clinical trial and you really are the guinea pig. Now if they tell you that, you have been informed, and if you want to be part of a clinical trial with a totally new and untested way to use messenger rna, then you do. If you were not told you were not making an informed consent. No one has the right to demand anyone inject something into their body that is experimental! This is a breach of medical ethics (to not be told) and to coerce people into taking it. This is contrary to the Nuremberg Code as well. Any corporation or entity that coerces people into taking the vaccine is subject to GREAT liability if it goes wrong.
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