Sunday, January 03, 2021

Li'l Paulie Ryan Preaches!!

Paul Ryan, the 'boy from Janesville' who promptly sold his Janesville house and moved to Big Money Territory in D.C. after he quit, now has a sermon!

“All our basic rights and freedoms flow from a fidelity to the Constitution and rule of law. This principle is not only fundamentally American but a central tenet on [sic] conservatism....

What "rule of law" would that one be, Paulie?  The "rule" for the Clintons and Obamas and their camp-followers/hangers-on/seditionist operatives?

Or the rule for the rest of us--like New York's proposed prison-camps for CoVid positives, or California's mass-detentions for party-goers?

Shut up, Paulie. 

And while your mouth is shut, read this essayPerhaps then you'll understand how little respect you have earned in the last 30 years or so.


Anonymous said...

This would be entirely in keeping with all of the other "can't" episodes that litter Ryan's political career. He never encountered a bit of conservatism he wasn't willing to compromise away for no tangible benefit at all. He's been a consistent little bugger. One might harbor the idea that Ryan never did embrace the central tenets of conservatism.

Dad29 said...

Given his start with Jack Kemp, one could understand his unicorns and rainbows understanding of the world.

And he married money. No surprise that he doesn't get common-man concerns.