Wednesday, January 13, 2021

It Was Pre-Planned, Not "Trump's Fault"

The realities surrounding the disturbance at the Capitol are emerging.

...The FBI admitted Tuesday it received information ahead of the Jan. 6 tragedy suggesting some participants were planning a "war" on the Capitol, including killing officers and distributing maps of the complex. It alerted Washington D.C. law enforcement through the joint terrorism task force alert system. It also "disrupted" the travel plans of some of the suspected trouble-makers.

...The New York Police Department is reported to have given the Capitol Police similar intelligence warnings of impending violence.

The chief federal prosecutor in Washington declared Tuesday he is pursuing conspiracy charges, signaling the attacks on the Capitol involved multiple acts and multiple conspirators working in concert with each other. The prosecutor talked about the planting of carefully constructed IEDs as one such act. In other words, there was pre-planning for some elements of last Wednesday's chaos....

It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ greater than room temperature that President Trump could not "incite" a crowd parts of which had pre-planned an attack, and pre-positioned bombs, bricks, and rocksNor could he have 'incited' a crowd which began breaking in to the Capitol twenty minutes before he ended his speech.

There's also the question of 'what did Nancy know, and when did she know it,'--and finally, were there 'inside' collaborators?


Anonymous said...

Anarchists are anti-government and don't have a party affiliation. There's no such thing as Trump supporting anarchists. Since sowing chaos is their primary objective they'll don any accessories and wave any flag that furthers their efforts. They'll accept support from anyone and not hesitate to bite the hand that feeds them. Democrats are dancing with the Devil.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the event was pre-planned to assault the Capitol. Trump primed the pump.

Dad29 said...

We don't accept the NYTimes as a fact-reference here.

It's clear that Antifa remains the armed branch of the Democrat Party, though. Thanks for the confirmations!

Dad29 said...

Finally--the picture used for the "Boebert tour" lie is from 2019.

Even Democrats should be able to figure out the problem with that.

Anonymous said...

"We don't accept the NYTimes as a fact-reference here."

Because it disrupts your narrative, I get it. That's not how discourse works in the real world when you can simply ignore information that counters your position.