Sunday, November 08, 2020

Yes, There Was Fraud in Milwaukee

A stats-oriented commenter notes a very suspicious pattern.  NB:  SEE UPDATE BELOW

...We’re a long way from just Dems voting more by mail. It’s not impossible, and we can’t rule it out. But if it’s about mail-in ballots, there must be some difference *within Dem voters* between mail vs in person.  

Races swung more towards Dems exactly where the Dems were down on Wednesday early morning. To explain this with mail-in ballots needs a very complicated story. To explain it with fraud needs a very simple story – you commit fraud more where the fraud matters more....

Those are the key excerpts from a lengthy Twitter thread.  The rest of it simply makes the case with the stats.

Scott Walker claimed that he 'wrote' a lot of the rules for early-voting. 

UPDATE:  Rudy Giuliani gave a presser wherein he instructed the Stupid Class (reporters) on "What Is Evidence 101."  It's worth watching, as Rudy has a great deal of confidence in the case he's presenting.

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