Wednesday, November 04, 2020

WI "Registered"/Voting Question

 Clarifying a bit.

Since Wisconsin has same-day registration, it is highly unlikely that there could be less 'registered voters' than ballots cast.  HOWEVER, recall that the Election Board authorized mailing ballots to 240,000+ people who were not necessarily living in Wisconsin--or living at all.  So yes, there actually could be more ballots cast than 'registered voters' if 200,000++ registered voters left the State or now reside six feet under.

But there's something even more compelling.

The usual suspects:  Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Pravda and the wire services contend that the number of voters was eighty-nine percent of eligible voters.

Really?  Wisconsin voter turnout:

1960 - 72.99% 1964 - 68.68% 1968 - 65.98% 1972 - 62.45% 1976 - 66.38%1980 - 67.35% 1984 - 63.43% 1988 - 61.00% 1992 - 68.99% 1996 - 58.00% 2000 - 67.01% 2004 - 73.24% 2008 - 69.20% 2012 - 70.14% 2016 - 67.34% 2020 is... 89.25%? 

That is 5.5 standard deviations above the mean

Impossible?  No.  Highly unlikely?  Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Global socialism is “All In”. One world government does not work without the USA. We are engaged like the Battle of Thermopylae against a numerous and desperate foe. Pray for righteous perseverance, for nothing will be easy against those who desire to rule over us, and thus over rule our Constitutional freedom.