Friday, November 13, 2020

"Recount" Is NOT "Audit"

Our friends in High Places--both Gummints and MSM--continually remind us that "recounts" will not materially change the results of the election.

We know that.

AUDITS will materially change the results, because AUDITS detect vote irregularities such as sudden, unexplained, large strings of votes for *cough*Biden*cough*, or dead men voting, or non-citizens, or non-residents of a State voting in that State........

Get the picture?

That is why the 24X7 blasting of "recounts don't matter."

Yup.  We know that.


Saint Revolution said...

Public radio has been blasting the verbage, "unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud", a thousand times a day.

It is far beyond OBVIOUS this Pavlovian Jungian Maslowian infantile repetition technique of, "spew the filth enough times and the sheople will believe lies as truth".

It is obvious this criminally corrupt ~445MM/yr taxpayer boondoggle propoganda machine for the ultra left is far and beyond their charter, their rights, and the law RE the mony we are forced to puke to them through the extortion known as taxes.

Defund public radio, public television, and CPB The Corporation For Public BraodCasting.


Anonymous said...

It's patently obvious that there was no perpetual, widespread voter fraud as alleged by Trump.

Fact--More than half of all counties in Arizona have conducted post-election audits and found either no discrepancies or microscopic issues that don’t affect the outcome. Audits in Arizona’s four largest counties, which comprised 86% of all votes for president in the state, turned up no evidence of the systematic voter fraud that President Trump has complained about. There were no irregularities found in Maricopa County, which is home to Phoenix. Officials in Pima County, home to Tucson, audited a random sample of 4,239 votes in the presidential race and only found a two-vote discrepancy.

Dad29 said...

It's patently obvious that AZ is not "widespread."

Try again sometime.