Sunday, November 08, 2020

Plenty of Room for Fraud in Wisconsin

Just the News summarizes Wisconsin's vote-fraud portals, all of which were instigated/permitted by the Wisconsin Election Commission Wisconsin Vote-Fraud Central Committee Commissars.

...Nearly 200,000 Wisconsin residents, meanwhile — and possibly more — may have voted by absentee ballot in the 2020 presidential election while being exempt from state voter ID rules, according to state data. ...

IOW, they voted without evidence of eligibility.

...Wisconsin Statute 6.87(6d) stipulates that any ballot "may not be counted" if it is missing the address of the voter's witness. The Wisconsin Elections Commission in August issued a directive to voters that reaffirmed that statute: "If [the witness signature and address] is missing, your ballot will not be counted," the directive read. 

Then in mid-October, the Wisconsin Elections Commission issued a directive to the state's county clerks appearing to give them the authority, in contravention of state law, to fix incomplete (or "spoiled") ballots that are missing witness signatures. ...

IOW, the votes were allowed without evidence of witness.

...The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty had argued that the Wisconsin Elections Commission was bound by law to remove the voters whose addresses it could not verify. The commission had asked to delay the removal until after the election, citing concerns that some voters might be improperly removed from the rolls. 

A circuit court judge had ruled last year that the elections commission was required to remove the tens of thousands of voters that had been targeted for removal. The commission at the time refused to do so, leading to their being held in contempt of court. 

In January, an appeals court issued a stay on that ruling, leading eventually to the September hearing by the State Supreme Court. The case was undecided by Election Day. ...

IOW, 130,000+ ballots were mailed without evidence that the recipients were alive, or residents of the State.

Meantime, black voter turnout was LESS than that of 2016, despite enormous effort by Lefties and Democrats--and the press--to bring out that vote.  Sad for those folks, for if Biden succeeds in his Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan frauds, the black community will be forced to return to the plantation.

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Tucker Conrad said...
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