Saturday, November 14, 2020

(D) Senator Threatens Supreme Court

Alito calls 'em as he sees 'em.  And it ain't good.

..."Take a quick look at the Constitution" Alito said. "You will see the free exercise clause of the First Amendment, which protects religious liberty. You will not find a craps clause, or a blackjack clause, or a slot machine clause." The justice was referring to a Nevada law that gave the green light for casinos to open but capped church attendance....

That wasn't the most important part of the speech (!)

...Rhode Island’s Sheldon Whitehouse came in for a special rebuke, with Alito singling out a recent brief filed by the senator and four colleagues on a New York City firearms transportation ordinance. Whitehouse and his colleagues said that a pro-gun ruling would further incite the growing movement to "restructure" the Court.

"The senators' brief was extraordinary," Alito added. "I could say something about standards of professional conduct. But the brief involved something even more important. It was an affront to the Constitution and the rule of law."...

Mr. Justice Alito, let me help you a bit.  Whitehouse' remarks are right in line with Democrat Party 'standards of conduct.'  Their standard was voiced by "Dr." Fauci the other day:  " now is the time to do what you’re told.”


1 comment:

Kathleen1031 said...

I have felt like a bit of an hysteric, the last 8 or so years, really, since Obama and Francis ascended the stage. I've sensed how deep, wide, and bad it all is, I think many people have, but it's very hard to articulate without sounding like a bit of a nut. But I don't think it's possible to overstate how evil these Democrats are. They aren't Democrats, really, that label no longer fits what the party is now. They are anarchists. Communists. Atheists. And they are dangerous to America, Americans, and the nations of the Free World. Our Republic is mostly certainly in peril. If these people take this election, there will be no stopping them, save God. Even now, our fate is entirely in God's hands, which is why we all need to implore God to help us.
We are in dire straits. People exactly like Sheldon Whitehouse, have no morals and will have no hesitation to turn America into Cuba and punish dissenters, on whom they will unleash the Antifa paramilitary fascists they have put into our streets. He openly threatens a Justice on our Supreme Court, because at heart Whitehouse is a thug. It is no surprise to have thugs in office, but it is a surprise to see so many Americans vote for them and support them. If we are to turn this around at all, it seems hard to do unless millions of our fellow Americans have the scales removed from their eyes and see exactly how bad these people truly are and where they want to take us. That will take humility, the kind that only God can instill. Only God can effect this type of change. Democrats would probably have to see the truth of this election, and if it turns out to have been stolen, they will have to give up their desire for a Biden presidency and care more that if they embrace the evil of a stolen election so that their guy can win, they have helped destroy America by choosing evil over good. To support abortion and to look the other way when it is obvious an American election was subverted, would be catastrophic for America.