Monday, August 31, 2020

Tin-Pot Tony Goes All Pussy

The pathetic mewling of Tin-Pot Tony of the Mask Mandate.  Here he asks Trump to stay away because a visit from the President will show up the little pussy.

...'It is our job as elected officials to lead by example and to be a calming presence for the people we know are hurting, mourning, and trying to cope with trauma. Now is not the time for divisiveness....

It was ALSO your job to send help to Kenosha, Tin-Pot.  You sent a sprinkling-can instead of a fire-hose.

Face it.  You failed.  Don't try to blame your failure on Trump.

One more thing:  what's with the girly-girl whine in that paragraph, Tony?  Did Maggie write that for you?   

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