Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Levitt Worries "Science" Trashed Itself

The guy won a Nobel, teaches at Stanford, and has a legitimate concern.

...Levitt is frustrated by the lack of inquiry that has taken place within the scientific community regarding COVID-19, and how the fear propaganda was pushed unanimously at the behest of institutional power....

...“It was total panic, and the fact is that all the science we were hearing, for example, from organizations like the World Health Organization, was wrong… This has been a disgraceful situation for science,” Levitt added....

He doesn't name names, but he uses a laser-pointer:

...“You know, the level of stupidity that’s been going on here has been amazing… Even in many places, the politics has infected the scientists, certainly in the USA,” Levitt added....

Not only has "science" trashed itself here, but so have the CDC, Fauci, and Scarf Lady.  They did accomplish one objective:  Trump swallowed the bait and kept up the foolishness LONG after it was clear that the panic was unjustified.

Think Trump learned from that?  Yup.  Now he's letting Governors make damn fools of themselves instead.


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