Saturday, December 01, 2018

The Caravan Is an Obamavan. Surprised?

If you have not blotted out the Obama years through heavy drinking, you may recall the name Manuel Zelaya.  He lost a presidential election in Honduras and--with the obvious and strong support of Obozo--stayed in the President slot for quite some time.  Eventually, the Honduran Army dragged his ass out of the office.

IOW, we have another "organizer" here, named Zelaya.  And he had friends, prolly all tattooed with the hammer and sickle.  (Funny how that seems to be the common thread here, eh?)


...In Honduras, where the first caravan originated, the organizers included loyalists of Manuel Zelaya, a one-time Cuban-allied and Venezuelan-financed president ousted after attempting to remain in power beyond his constitution-mandated term limit. Since then, Zelaya has been on a campaign to further destabilize Honduras, while traveling around the region’s socialist-leaning strongholds....
 Notice that Venezuelan money is mentioned in the quote.  Wonder where the cash came for the buses, supplies, trucks, and general organization of the ObamaVan?

OK.  Add Cuba to the list.

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