Monday, June 04, 2018

How Luther & Co. Brought About Bush Foreign Policy

Brought to my attention courtesy Z-Man's comment section, this item from Orbis written by James Kurth is well worth the read.  Kurth is no fan of GWB's foreign policy and he demonstrates why that policy is doomed to fail.

So happens I've said the same thing:  the Bushmen blatantly ignored the reality of religion in the Middle East, probably because most of them don't really understand how deeply religion (in this case, Mohammedanism) permeates society there.  You'll note that all of Bush's horses and all of his men failed to reassemble Humpty after the Iraq wars.  The irony here is this:  Bush's religion has an article of faith which--effectively--discredits religion.

Kurth's commentary on Wilson's hatred of the Catholic Hapsburg empire (thus the US entry to WWI to ensure defeat of same) is something not commonly taught.  (Surprise!!)  Kurth doesn't mention that the dislocation of order in Europe brought about by the defeat of the Hapsburgs gave birth to Hitler's National Socialist enterprise.

And you thought that Wilson's worst sin was his Progressive legacy here in the US, eh?

By the way, Stage Four and Stage Five of Kurth's essay define Freemasonry and Limbaugh-ism rather well.

Take the time.  Read it.

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