Wednesday, February 07, 2018

One More Chance at Killing ObozoCare?

Heritage Foundation thinks there will be only one more chance to put ObozoCare (mostly) down.

...Since late last year, GOP leaders have been planning to pump tens of billions of dollars’ worth of new federal spending into the veins of insurance companies that are hemorrhaging red ink on the Obamacare exchanges.

The transfusion is expected to be a concoction of two bills. The first, championed by Sens. Lamar Alexander, R.-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D.-Wash., would appropriate cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers. The second, sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins, R.-Maine, and Bill Nelson, D.-Fla., would give insurers an additional $10 billion (and perhaps more) in federal cash....

Well, if anyone deserves $10 BN or so, it's the bastards who pushed for ObozoCare, right?

RoJo's alternative--which almost kills off this monster--is not dead yet.

...Not all congressional Republicans have conceded the repeal issue. A handful of them continue behind-the-scenes discussions about the Graham-Cassidy proposal that gained momentum last summer, only to fizzle in late September. The measure takes a Copernican approach to health reform, replacing Obamacare’s Washington-centrism with a system that provides states with resources and flexibility to establish consumer-centered health insurance programs....

RoJo got elected on the promise that he would repeal ObozoCare.  When Ted Cruz took a serious but unpopular stand on the matter, RoJo ran away.

Maybe Ron will redeem himself.  

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