Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ObamaCare, Not So Much

Support for ObamaCare? Not so much (especially in Massachusetts.)

In the survey, only 33 percent say President Obama's health-reform effort is a good idea, versus 46 percent who consider it a bad idea.--WSJ/NBC Poll

Obviously, Feingold (D-Arrogant) was reading the wrong poll data last week.

HT: Examiner


According to a Jan. 8-10 Gallup survey, Americans want their member of Congress to vote for health care legislation by a margin of 49% to 46%. Yet a recent Pew Center survey found 39% favored the health care bills before Congress while 49% opposed them.

Parsing is important to Feingold. While "reform" in general terms is desirable, ObamaCare specifically is repugnant.

And Feingold plays both ends to the middle, voting FOR ObamaCare but oh-so-seeeeeeeeeeeriously telling locals that 'he has reservations,' and is 'unhappy.'

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