Monday, July 13, 2009

Pot/Kettle: Rowen

The Extreme Lefty Rowen has an opinion about Pat McIlheran:

...intellectually challenged or downright goofy...


Rowen then goes on to demonstrate precisely what those appellations might mean. He discusses blood-alcohol limits (many lower than Wisconsin's,) and tells us

... consider that people who fly airplanes are not allowed to take the controls within eight hours of having any alcohol, and are considered legally-impaired if they were to test at 0.04 BAC - - because alcohol slows down reflexes and muddles judgement.

If we had to abide by those standards, drunk driving crashes would pretty much disappear.

Yes, Jim. And if we prohibited driving, automotive crashes would "pretty much disappear", too.

One can argue that the Wisconsin standard is too loose. OK. But to make that argument by envisioning Utopia as a result?

I'll take "downright goofy" for $100.00, Alex. "Intellectually challenged" is too kind.

UPDATE: See very pertinent comment re: altitude and alcohol...


Billiam said...

Dad, isn't that the path the left in this country is walking? Many cities controlled by the left are passing taxes on things like soda. Then there are the ones banning trans fats. You also have the smoking bans and other nanny state laws. The left knows better than any one how everyone should live. Now that they have control, they'll ram as much down our throats as they can before 2010. Funny how those who complained about the right invading the bedroom are the ones invading every other facet of our lives.

Dad29 said...


Go to the post right here:

Aquinas said...

The effect of alcohol in the bloodstream is exacerbated at altitude, hence, a different "acceptable" blood alcohol minimum for pilots. So, unless you're driving at, say, 8,000 feet, it's an apples-and-oranges comparison. But, then again, considering the Left's egregious willingness to play fast and loose with science (e.g., "global warming"), isn't this pretty much what one would expect?

Jay Bullock said...

Aquinas, I suppose that's why the legal limit is set at .04 for truck drivers, sitting so high up in their cabs and all.

Display Name said...

I'll resist saying you pulled that altitude claim out of your ear, as here's what the FAA says, and point out that high-altitude states like Colorado have 0.05/0.08 standards, too.

Pillboxhat said...

"But, then again, considering the Left's egregious willingness to play fast and loose with science (e.g., "global warming")"

What about the right and 'intelligent design? You're for that I bet, so obviously playing fast and loose with science in this case is quite alright.

Aquinas said...

While comments like Pillboxhat's would seem to prove AGAINST intelligent design, especially as regards the cerebral cortext as it develops (or not) in Lefties, yes; I'm on board with the whole intelligent design thing.

Oh... And it's "all right." Two words. We know you're trying real hard to convince us that intelligent design doesn't exist. You're going to have to try harder. But, hey! We know that if anyone can, you can!!

Dad29 said...

I suspect that if one denies intelligent design, one must also deny evolution; the mathematics (chance) for either must be about the same.