Thursday, February 12, 2009

You Won't Believe This. Or Maybe You Will...

Congresscritter Maxine Waters (D-Utterly Clueless) questions bankers.

Even her preamble is almost incoherent...

HT: McCain


Anonymous said...

As soon as I heard "Captains of the Universe," I had to stop.:) Did she say anything else worthwhile?

Neo-Con Tastic said...

I watched the entire seven minutes and by the end, I wanted to scoop the brains out of my head with a soup spoon.

I am utterly flabbergasted at her level of stupidity. To think that she has the ability to dress herself much less run a congressional district is beyond me.

She would fit right in with the politicians of Milwaukee.

Shoebox said...

Rumor has it that they will be renaming the "peter principle" to the "Maxine Waters principle"

TerryN said...

There's got to be more than one level of incompetency between the peter principle and Maxine Waters.

PP squared or cubed = the MW principle.