Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shock!! David Obey (D-Fascism) LIES!!

David Obey has a son, and BINGO!!! is his name-o.

Conveniently, David Obey is the House Appropriations chairman.

David Obey's son lobbies for money on behalf of the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). Somehow, the national parks landed a $2Billion appropriation in the Porkulus Bill.

David Obey has told everyone that his son does NOT lobby David.

The earmark for the National Parks Service, included by the House Appropriations Committee in H.R. 1, is more than twice the amount proposed by the U.S. Senate and would effectively double the budget for the National Parks Service without explaining how such a funding increase will be absorbed without creating abuse, waste, and misuse of funds.

The staff report points to lobbying disclosure documents indicating that Craig Obey does lobby on Appropriations as well as the National Park Conversation Association’s stimulus proposal for the Appropriations Committee which identifies Craig Obey as the primary point of contact.

David Obey is a lying scumbag.

1 comment:

HeatherRadish said...

Someone should tell Mrs. Pelosi. She seems to believe there are no "pet projects" in the bill.

I'm sure her husband never formally lobbied her on behalf of the multimillions sent his way, either (in the past; I haven't looked in the current bill to see if he's getting more). Just had a private family conversation. Nothing to disclose here...