Sunday, February 08, 2009

Longer-Range Thinking: PLEASE Pass the Porkulus!!

Well, since Nobody's Senator and Feinie are comfy-doodoo with the PorkFestPowerGrab and DebtEnhancement Bill ...

Barack Obama's approval rating is down to 59%. His "approval index," the difference between those who strongly approve and those who strongly disapprove, has declined to +11. There's little doubt that Obama's eroding support over the past week is linked to his strident backing of the Democrats' pork extravaganza, which many people (including the Congressional Budget Office) fear will make the economy worse, not better.

OK. Why pass the Leviathan-Enablement Bill of the Century?

Obama's preference for jamming a hard-left bill down the throats of the American people bodes poorly, I'm afraid, for the future of his administration

Cut the suffering by half. One term, you're OUT!

HT: PowerLine


Anonymous said...

Wait, wasn't his approval rating at 86% just about 3 weeks ago?
That's quite a drop in only 3 weeks.

Display Name said...

Uhm, yeah, and when Bush's rating was in the toilet, we were told it was OK because he must still be doing the right thing. 86% to 59% in a matter of weeks? Why, it'll be below zero before you know it!

Amy said...

Support for porkulus dropped significantly, too, John.

Believe it or not, all the rhetoric of "hope" and "change" was really a load of, well, hooey.

Larry Denninger said...

Too bad we can't call a "do over!" on the election...

Amy said...

Too bad we can't call a "do over!" on the election...

2010 midterms look a lot closer this side of New Years, LarryD.