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Wisconsin native. "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."--GKC "Liberalism is the modern and morbid habit of always sacrificing the normal to the abnormal" --G K Chesterton "The only objective of Liberty is Life" --G K Chesterton "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition." -- Rudyard Kipling
The photo confirm that she IS a man.
Ugh! Too bad her arm covers her Adam's apple. This is the polar opposite of "Dude looks like a lady!"
She's a traitor.
I think the combox here needs a kitty-litter station.
Wannabe girls meowing and scratching at Anne?
Mein Herz!!
If this picture is real, it’s scary.
Sie sind verrückt.
dumb duplicitous cu-t!
This women is a sociopath. period!
Ignorant narcissistic power mad psycho.
i pity the man or women she is dating. If she can get one that is.
Another "anony/chaz" demonstrates the sparkling intellect of the Leftoids.
I think we can agree that anonymous posters are, for the most part, jerks, regardless of their political orientation.
Your words, Other Side:
Sie sind verrucht
Dear Dad;
Please stop it with the Coulter photos.
Mom and I are worried about you.
About time you left home and lived on your own, no?
I am afraid to leave her with a person who uses guns to keep his children in line and is fixated on a female with a little girl’s body.
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