(They're part of the Ruling Class, you know.)
Ticker wastes no time destroying them:
....This strange alliance has developed in response to one of Congress's rare bipartisan achievements—the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). That bill affirmed the long-standing distinction between civilian justice and the rules of war by letting the President detain terrorists (including U.S. citizens) captured anywhere and question them as long as necessary. A President can decide to try them in either military or civilian courts, and the right of habeas corpus to challenge detention in court, established by the Supreme Court's 2004 Hamdi decision, is unchanged.
Next they'll call that a "long-standing tradition" or some such bullsh*t.
You all thought that the Fourth Amendment was in force here, hey?
...First you arrest them, then you try them, and only after finding them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt do you execute them.
The ACLU and Tea Party, along with Libertarians, are not uninformed about the faux "war on terror."
There is in fact no such war.
Besides, Obozo's State Department has told us that the War on Terror is "over."
There's a reason the Constitution has the provisions it has regarding war, regarding habeus corups, regarding civil rights. There's a reason we originally had 10 Amendments to the Constitution passed with it; they're an inviolate part of the whole.
Go ahead. Make our day!
This is nothing more than Milhouse DC protecting itself from "enemies"--who happen to be more numerous every day.
Buy. More. Ammo.