Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Forest Service Says "Die, Dogs!"

Ahhh, the joys of totalitarian regimes!

...In 2011, the Monument Fire ripped through the Huachuca Mountains in Arizona-land belonging to the U.S. Forest Service.  Following the fire, floods and torrential mudslides destroyed mountain spring water lines to the town of Tombstone.

Approximately one year later, "The Town Too Tough To Die," is still unable to fix its water lines, affecting 1,500 residents and more than 400,000 annual visitors. 

Due to the location of the springs being on a government wild land area, Tombstone residents cannot use the heavy machinery necessary to fix its water supply-Forest Service rules won't allow it. 

Yes, there's even MORE!!

...Because of the damaged water supply, an element called arsenic is running through Tombstone resident's tap water at a higher level than allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What the hell.  Drink the arsenic, or die of dehydration.

The Forest Service will be just fine, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, why ain't the gummint fixing our ills?
