Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Stand Your Ground" Has NOTHING To Do With Zimmerman

As usual, the MFM is totally inadequate to the task of telling the truth.

...other states took a common-sense approach to self-defense, which the U.S. Supreme Court in Beard v. U.S. endorsed as early as 1895, when the Court unanimously declared that an innocent person under attack was, “not obliged to retreat, but was entitled to stand his ground, and meet any attack upon him with a deadly weapon, in such a way and with such force as … [he] honestly believed, and had reasonable grounds to believe, was necessary to save his own life, or to protect himself from great bodily injury.”

Ummmhhh....yah, so ....?

...Florida’s SYG law provides that a person under attack can use force—including deadly force—against his attacker if he, “reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm … or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.

...Under any version of the facts, Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law did not apply in the Trayvon Martin incident. If Zimmerman pursued a confrontation with Martin, then Zimmerman was an attacker and cannot claim SYG. If Zimmerman’s account is true that he was on the ground and Martin was on top of him, then retreat was impossible, so there would be no duty to retreat anyway. A victim in such a situation can use deadly force, but only if he reasonably believes he is being attacked with deadly force.

To our knowledge, that is the law in all fifty states. It was the law before SYG statutes were ever passed, and SYG did nothing to change it.

(Having no more facts-in-evidence than what's been presented by the media (and the far-more-reliable blogs), it appears to me that Zimmerman is going to have one helluva time proving that he was being 'attacked with deadly force.'

Interesting that the DA charged 2nd degree--which will ALSO be difficult to prove.)

Back to the Moron Parade, led by No-Salt/No-Fat Bloomie of Gotham:

Bloomberg, joined by leaders of national African-American groups, announced the “Second Chance on Shoot First” campaign aimed against a law in Florida and elsewhere in the country that allows individuals to use lethal force whenever they feel threatened, commonly known as the “Shoot First” law

Actually, it's "Stand Your Ground".  Now that you've read the reality about SYG, you understand the monstrosity of the lies propaganda of such as Bloomie--who travels with his own personal armed-guard security force called the NYPD, by the way.

Salt-and-fat deprivation must have effects on cognition.


  1. If, in fact, Zimmerman was having his head pounded against the pavement, that qualifies as deadly force.

  2. That so-called "deadly force" appears to be an act of self defense itself. Who was being pursued at night by a man with a gun?

    If I had been assaulted by an unidentified man with a gun and felt I had no other choice, I would have taken any possible chance to lunge at him, tackle him, and beat the crap out of him to get him to let go of the gun.

    "Defending" oneself from someone you have assaulted is not a justifiable defense.

  3. Father Reichstag promotes a troubling strawman. In order to stand your ground, you need not force your neighbor to stand his.

  4. As usual, "Jim" seems to have facts which are not yet in evidence.

    Talk about straw-men argumentation!

  5. As usual, "Jim" seems to have facts which are not yet in evidence.

    If, in fact, Zimmerman was having his head pounded against the pavement, that qualifies as deadly force.

    Who's facts are not yet in evidence?

    Is there any doubt that there was a man with a gun and it wasn't Martin. Is there any doubt that the man was following Martin?

  6. Is there any doubt that there was a man with a gun and it wasn't Martin. Is there any doubt that the man was following Martin?

    Were you in Sanford, Jim?

    Because I wasn't and neither were 99.99999% of the people who claim they "knew" what happened.

    There is no firm evidence Zimmerman got out of his car with the intention of following Martin, although there is speculation -- backed up by the actual 911 tapes -- that Zimmerman did have to get out of the vehicle to get a better idea of what address he was at (something the 911 dispatcher asked him for) OR to SEE where Martin went, as the 911 dispatcher had also asked him that.

  7. Those same audio tapes have a police officer directing Z to return to his vehicle.

    "Jim" - "Amy" is a trollette.

  8. "Those same audio tapes have a police officer directing Z to return to his vehicle."

    Yes, hence the speculation that Z is a "White Hispanic" and a good reason to edit the 911 tapes before airing them. Because we all know America is a racist country and that needs to be exposed on the rare occasions when an American of African descent is killed by a Hisp^H^H^H^H White person. Right Al, Jessee, Jim?

    And Amy makes the most honest intelligent comment to date on the situation.

    "Because I wasn't and neither were 99.99999% of the people who claim they "knew" what happened."

    PPP Persecution by Public Pressure. It's now the Florida way. And the ensuing riots will be a great distraction to the mess Obama has made of America.

  9. Anon, apparently these folks are unclear on the meaning of the word.
