Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Well, We Regret Having Leon Panetta!

Awfully damn civil of him:

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Monday he regrets the cost to taxpayers for his weekend trips to his Carmel Valley home, but says it's important "just to get your mind straight and your perspective straight."

Panetta said he'd try to find some savings, with each round trip costing approximately $32,000.
"I regret ... that it does add costs that the taxpayer has to pick up," Panetta said...

Stuff your apology where the sun never shines, Leeeeeon.  Just put on your big-boy pants and move to DC like a real job-holder would.


  1. Totally ridiculous. I'm sure this big baby can find ways to relax on his weekends while staying in D.C.! I'm so sick of the ruling class!

  2. If we pulled the Rummy expense files would we see anything different? Pot kettle black...
