Friday, April 20, 2012

Noonan Finally Gets It!

Whaddya think Santorum's campaign was all about, Peggy?

...I've long thought that public dissatisfaction is about more than the economy, that it's also about our culture, or rather the flat, brute, highly sexualized thing we call our culture...

The column is now behind the WSJ's paywall--but Ms Noonan mentions a few of the problems with the adults:  the NYC sex pervert/schoolteachers, the Secret Service whoremongers...and others.


  1. Ummmhnn...his campaign was an ego trip. Nothing more.

    Now he's got time to research the meaning of "tithe." That 1.7% charitable giving rate clearly demonstrates where his values lie.

  2. Dad, Did you see this?

    .......a veto-proof majority, 293 to 127. Sixty-nine Democrats abandoned the president to vote with Republicans..........
