Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kammy Spendit!!

And here we go!!

...Vice President Kamala Harris has used her first days as Democrats' likely nominee for president to make it clear that she'll pursue big — and expensive — parts of Joe Biden's domestic agenda that never made it across the finish line.

Why it matters: Harris is signaling that even as Democrats play defense on Biden's mixed economic record, she's eager to go on offense for the next four years.

Her plans include pushing for nearly $2 trillion to establish universal pre-K education and improve elderly care and child care — as well as a permanent tax cut for working-class families.

Her instincts are to go further than Biden's attempt to raise corporate taxes to 28%, according to people familiar with the matter who recall that Harris backed raising them to 35% in 2020....  Thinker quoting Axios

It's very difficult to find ANY Big Gummint program where Mo' Spending has actually improved results.  Trump's massive spend on CoVid created huge problems, and we're not done measuring the excess deaths and arterial/coronary problems yet.  Government schools spend more every year and cannot get better results.  Pentagon spends like.......well......drunken sailors......and cannot defeat a bunch of flea-bitten camel jocks in Yemen.

Let's let Kammy run on that. 

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