Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump-Hating Essayist on Kamala's Burden

Oh, yes, she will be burdened.

...the biggest problem facing Harris will be the failed Biden legacy. Despite the protestations of partisan crackpots like Paul Krugman and much of the Pravda media, Biden has not been seen by most Americans as the second coming of FDR, as his progressive worshippers like to claim. The traditional Democratic Party was focussed on helping both the working class and the economy, with bold infrastructure plans that both made America more efficient but also provided work for roughly eight million people during the Great Depression.

This is not what the Biden-Harris spending splurge has accomplished. It has done little to improve, at least in the short run, the lives of average people. Inflation since Biden has grown faster than incomes for most, and high prices are particularly felt most among the less affluent. The news from the small-business front is particularly grim, with bankruptcies running at the highest level since 2010. Rather than invigorating the private sector, most employment growth is now concentrated in government and largely publicly funded healthcare. Overall, one in four Americans fear losing their job in the next year....

There's a lot more worth reading in that column.

Did I say "Trump-Hating"?  You want proof?

....there will be some immediate gains for the Democrats from Harris’s ascension, not least in that it takes away the age issue that plagued Biden. They would then be able to focus fully on the hulking mess that is Donald Trump....

Looks like he's not sending Trump a Christmas card--assuming he believes in Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. Kamala's biggest problem is when she looks in the mirror

    92 Percent Of Kamala Harris’ Staff Left In Her First Three Years As VP
