Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Whodunit Gets Very Dark

 Yes, we know that Scott Ritter is......ahhh......controversial.  But that doesn't mean he's stupid, or out of the loop.  Wauck found this stuff.

He thinks someone (or two or three) in the Secret Service was part of the Trump assassination.

    ...Somebody sitting in their mother's basement looking at videos and then executing it perfectly the first time out is unlikely. There had to be rehearsals, there had to be training, there had to be some sort of coaching taking place. This didn't happen by itself and so the idea that this is a lone shooter ... I mean, to be honest, nobody should be taking that seriously. I mean, if it turns out that that's the case you should only reach that after you've exhausted every other potential option. You don't lead with "lone shooter", you lead with, 'This is a coordinated assassination attempt by a team of highly qualified personnel who have probably infiltrated the inner workings of the presidential security details,' so that ... you have to assess, that the Secret Service was in on this....

Well, OK, then.

Ritter has a few contacts within Russia.

...the Russians are viewing this as part and parcel of a systemic breakdown on the part of the United States. They view the attempted assassination against Donald Trump as being of the same being part of ... what they're calling a soft coup against Joe Biden. Basically, elements within the establishment that are opting to take matters into their own hands to eliminate candidates that aren't going to fulfill their purpose the physical elimination of Donald Trump and now we have the political nullification of Joe Biden. From the Russian perspective this is all part and parcel of the systemic failure of American democracy....

If you're surprised, you've been living under a rock for the last several years, particularly since the last Election Fraud-cum-Fake Fatal Flu.

By the way:  Kamala understands what happened to Biden can happen to her, too.  She also understands that what happened to Trump is on the table for her.  Trump is now aware that impeachment is NOT the last move on the chessboard.

Nice little country you have here.  It would be a shame.........

Larry Johnson is an ex-spook.  He spoke with Napolitano

...It's not just incompetence. I started off saying it was either incompetence or something darker. It's something darker.

What do you mean by something darker, Larry?

It was an organized plot by people beyond Crooks to kill Donald Trump. Real simple....

 ...This is not just incompetence--failure to conduct an advance well. How do you make sure you get a failure to conduct an advance? You put a person in charge of it that's never done it--which appears to have been the case. My understanding is that the Secret Service agent in charge of the Pittsburgh office--who was put in charge of this--he was a cyber crime guy...

Johnson doesn't address the Biden firing.  Too bad. 

Is it certain that it's someone in the SS?  NoIs it possible that this pimple-pocked kid pulled it off all on his own?

You be the judge.


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