Wednesday, July 17, 2024

CNN Vaxx-Lying. Again.

 You can't hate these people enough.  Of course, this is CNN.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s son, Bobby Kennedy III, posted a video of a phone call between Kennedy and former President Donald Trump in which the former president appeared to endorse false theories about the safety of vaccines....

"False theories"?  Which ones are "false"?  

CNN won't tell you.  They also won't tell you how much money Big Pharma spends advertising on CNN.  Just co-incidence, of course.

 ...Trump also appeared to express some skepticism toward public health professionals who accurately state the recommended immunization schedule for children is safe and effective, saying, “And then you hear it doesn’t have an impact, right?”...

"Accurately state"?

So the percentage rise since ~1960 in asthmatics and autistics is........what?  A result of climate change?   Flouridated water?  100-octane gasoline?

CNN makes other statements against the evidence in its propaganda-piece, claiming without citations that RFK jr. makes 'false claims' about vaxx safety and effectiveness.  They're careful about their deception; note that they use "approved for use in the US" to get around the failure of Fauci's Covid19 fraud, since it was not "approved for use," but only "emergency authorized."

Neat trick, eh?  One wonders which Big Pharma house wrote that line for them.

Having seen "Dr." Fraudci and "Dr." Collins in action--perjuring themselves multiple times--Americans have a right and duty to be skeptical of "public health professionals."

And having seen CNN in action.......well.........they're even worse than "public health professionals.That's a damned high bar!

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