Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cong. Mills: It Could Have Been Conspiracy

Mills has a military sniper background, so his questions are very good.

Naturally, the CNN news-babe goes nuts when Mills states--correctly--that ALL lines of inquiry MUST be pursued, including the possibility of a conspiracy to kill President Trump.

Why the news-babe has a problem with that is a mystery.  It's perfectly normal for security details to allow a dude with a rifle to set up in an overwatch position only 150 yards from the target, right?

Sure.  Right.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Revolver posts issues which need investigating:

Here’s what we know so far about the Trump assassination attempt:

    -Rooftop where he took shots at Trump from was flagged as a security risk BEFORE rally

    -Gunman was spotted MINUTES before shots were fired by rally goers, Secret Service failed to engage or even remove Trump from stage

    -Shooter appears to have no social media presence whatsoever

    -World’s most powerful law enforcement supposedly unable to unlock shooter’s phone

    -Trump’s Secret Service detail was entirely unequipped, @dbongino says Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle DENIED requests for increased protection (yet to be confirmed but would be beyond damning)

    WTF doesn’t begin to describe what has happened so far.
...and one REALLY good question from Beattie:

The question isn't just how in the hell that roof 150 yards away from Trump was unguarded The question is also how this gunman knew that it was unguarded

CNN "news-babe" doesn't think about that kind of stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Headless Blogger7/17/2024 9:30 AM

    "The question is also how this gunman knew that it was unguarded"

    It wasn't a schoolbook warehouse, so the SS had no reason to guard it. Now about that grassy knoll...
