Wednesday, July 17, 2024

MPS Recall Group Gets Hot!

The Shiny Object (RNC) draws the attention of the "press" while the real action goes on.

The group driving the Milwaukee school board recall is now looking to file a class-action lawsuit.

The MPS School Board Recall Collaborative said it has filed formal complaints against the city’s school board with the Wisconsin Board of Ethics, the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office, and the U.S. Department of Education against Milwaukee’s elected school board members. The group is alleging “malfeasance, illegal and unethical activities that cannot be denied by any of the Board members.”...

Good for them!

...The Recall Collaborative is targeting four MPS school board members, Marva Herndon, Jilly Gokalgandhi, Missy Zombor and Erika Siemsen, and is accusing them of ignoring MPS’ dire financial conditions and hiding those facts from parents.

“We are not only demanding an investigation [into the four] for abusing their board powers and failing to lead with integrity, but we are taking matters into our own hands and seeing to it that these Board Members be held accountable for dishonoring their oath and pledge to the city of Milwaukee residents,” the collaborative added....

Since MPS' $250 MILLION referendum also cost a number of other Districts some State aid, one thinks those affected Districts would join the action.

But that won't happen.  Demanding ethical actions and integrity from MPS Board members would mean demanding ethical actions and integrity from other Districts' Board members.

Yah.  Not gonna happen.

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