Saturday, May 25, 2024

The "Chicago Way"

 Some stories are almost impossible to believe.

You know that case where the crazy and high on drugs naked female stole a squad car, ran over a police officer and then wrecked the squad after an extensive chase...

Yes, that's actually what happened. 

Wait!!  Wait!!  There's more!!!

 We and others wondered who the offender's phone call was that got her a city job even after being arrested, charged with attempted murder, after testing positive for assorted illegal substances...

Yup.  She got an $80K/year City of Chicago job.

You may wonder how the Hell that happened.

...Toni Prickwrinkle paid Whitney Temple [the accused] over $12,300 as an employee during her failed mayoral campaign. And it can be safely assumed that after she attempted to kill a Chicago Police Officer with his own squad car, Prickwrinkle got her a job (at over $80K) in City government after a positive drug test and the attempted murder charges....[The correct spelling is PrEckwinkle.  --Ed.]...

Oh--and the judge has managed to delay the trial for nearly 3 years.

This almost makes Robin Vos look good.  Almost.

1 comment:

  1. Obama’s sister by a different mother?
