Saturday, May 25, 2024

Putin's Incomplete Realpolitik

 Putin thinks the same way as do more than half of Americans do.

MIT prof Ted Postol courtesy of Wauck:

   ... It's very clear to me that Putin is most concerned about the instability of American leadership. He has correctly determined that American leadership is largely uneducated, is capable of making reckless decisions--as we have in this case, and got into a war that was a war of choice and now we don't know how to get out of it and can't even acknowledge that we've lost it already. 

So we're going to kill hundreds of thousands of more people because our political leadership is trying to cover themselves with the public so the public doesn't understand how reckless they were and how ill ill-considered their decisions were. 

So Putin is worried about the behavior of American leadership and he has obviously determined that you can't trust American leadership to know what they're doing. That is why he has been very concerned about US missile defenses. He understands that US missile defenses don't work, but he's worried that an American president might actually be silly enough to think that they could work, and that an American president might use nuclear weapons in the hope that the missile defenses could protect the United States--or parts of the United States--from a Russian retaliation. 

So Putin very thoughtfully concluded that what he needed was a weapon that even a totally moronic and uninformed individual could understand there's no hope of stopping. ...

.....which is the new Russian nuclear torpedo called the Poseidon.

Putin understands Biden, his gaggle of idiots in the Cabinet, and the State Dep't/CIA/NSA ship of fools very well.  But for him to count on a weapon 'that even a totally moronic and uninformed individual could understand' misses the pointthe people pulling the marionette strings on Biden are far more malevolent than he thinks.  They've (effectively) massacred the flower of Ukraine's youth; what makes Putin think they won't do the same to Americans?

Remember that they applaud depopulation.

Then think very hard about your vote in November.


  1. Nuke, Nuke!
    Who’s there?
    NATO who?
    NATO tomato, I’ll have mushrooms instead.

  2. ……..,Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland on Sunday suggested Russian bases should be “fair game” for Ukraine to target amid a larger debate over reversing a ban on firing U.S. weapons at targets inside of Russia……….,

    Pray to God to deliver us from this demon possessed woman and her ilk.

  3. It's Modernism and the City of Man at work over the City of God (True Church).
    Modernism is a philosophy of idiocy. The quote of Chesterton's is PERFECT. Modernism is philosophical perversion, and it has been made the philosophy of politics, economics, and the rest of the temporal disciplines.
    It's a philosophy that facilitates narcissism death and destruction.
    But what are you going to do with an apostate population that makes excuses for it's sin of contraception, abortion and all the other sins and crimes that have been approved?
    We are in a battle to preserve a small remnant from the majority apostates and neo-pagan occultists.
    The evil ones make intense to destroy the human race, but God is going to use them to judge the wicked, especially in high places. He delays so souls can be converted and so they can repent. God help us to do his will and stop being a society of unbelieving Modernist bourgeoisie.
