Tuesday, July 21, 2020

MKE to Fire Chief Morales. Soon.

It's clear that Tommy-Boy Barrett, the picture of White Privilege in Milwaukee, wants to get rid of the Hispanic police chief of the City.

So his puppet, the Fire/Police Commission, found a way to fire Chief Morales.  Not a very artful method, but it will work.  Only question is "How soon"?  (Hint:  about as long as it takes Frankie Gimbel to negotiate a fat settlement.)

Too bad.  Morales is a helluva good cop who doesn't put up with crap from his subordinates or the permanently-aggrieved class who apparently have no full-time jobs other than screeching and marching in circles carrying the Protest-Sign of the Day.

Oh, well.  We're at a safe distance.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. It's called making sure the Chief is accountable.
