Friday, June 14, 2024

Western "Leaders"? Not.

 Last Refuge brings the fire.  They may think they are "leaders", and their fawning camp-follower Press may call them "leaders."  

But they mis-spell "LOSERS".


  1. You forgot the picture of the 9 clowns in the Supreme Court and the mass murderers who appointed and confirmed them!

    Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Challenge to FDA’s Approval of Abortion Pill

    ……Abortion drugs now account for two-thirds of the abortions performed in the U.S.

    It's interesting how The Associated Press and others refer to mifepristone as a “medication.” The FDA’s prime definition of “medication” is “a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.”

    Mifepristone is used to exterminate life. Babies are humans, not diseases. Pregnancy is a state of being, not a sickness.

  2. But, but, but … sex makes me feel good and what could be more important than good?

    Good is better than bad so what is good must be … virtuous … so sex is virtuous … ergo (or whatever archaic Latin words people still remember) … good is a goal to aspire towards. Ergo (to use that ancient word again) whatever limits sex is bad, and if pregnancy limits sex then pregnancy is bad. Ergo reversal of pregnancy is good.

    Besides, human DNA does not make cells human under Wisconsin law and what is possibly wrong with killing non-humans? Got pork on your fork?

    I am Joe Biden and I approve this message.
