Saturday, June 15, 2024

NOT a "Wild Claim" by Trump

The Fake News presstitutes are ramping up their bias-coverage of Trump.  A few days ago, a presstitute claimed that Trump called Milwaukee a "horrible city".  That claim was made without attribution and without context, as Trump was referring to Milwaukee's crime problem.  Milwaukee's crime rate is third in the country and the city is rated as the 12th-most-dangerous one in the USA.  (You won't hear that on the local "news".)  Is that "horrible"?  You be the judge.

Today, the Daily Mail published a news story editorial in which the rag decries Trump's "wild claim" that Biden is a material cooperator with terrorists.

That "wild claim" happens to be the truth; their own story tells you that:

...[Trump] pointed to the arrests of eight Tajik nationals this week with alleged ties to ISIS found in the American cities of Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia. 

'Just this week ICE has arrested not one, not two, but eight suspected terrorists at the highest level of terrorism,' the ex-president said. ...

Whose Administration let them loose in the US?

Biden's.  That's material cooperation and those Tajiks are pals of ISIS.

Expect even less honest reporting from the Presstitutes as we near November.

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