Thursday, June 27, 2024

Next PRC Assault on US: Nitazene

Red China doesn't need to mount an invasion.  They'll kill off Americans another way:  drugs.

...The Pearl Harbor moment for America in China’s unrestricted warfare to erase the U.S. was one word: Fentanyl....

...Nitazene is far more powerful than Fentanyl according to the Drug Enforcement Agency.  This new poison has been around for a while in obscurity – but perhaps because of the focus on Fentanyl, Nitazene has been pulled off the shelf and inserted with devastating effects.  Simply put, it is 20 times more powerful than Fentanyl and cheaper.  More bang for the Chinese Yuan.

The game is on.  Pearl Harbor for America happened several years ago, and no one noticed. The CCP exploited our open society and antiquated mail system to deliver death into our homeland
but now do it en masse across the open southern border. ...

So really, it's a joint Red China/Joe Biden op.

How much does 'the Big Guy' get on this one?

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