Thursday, June 27, 2024

Georgia's '20 Election Fraud

Our Betters tell us to STFU about "history," because it is "history."

It's also very instructive when an election (or two) is fraudulent, as in Georgia.

...It has been nearly 2 years since Joseph Rossi and Kevin Moncla sent an official complaint to the State Election Board, revealing Fulton County had “no physical ballots” for the votes it added to the recount. In all, Rossi, a retired PepsiCo executive and chemical engineer, and Moncla, an independent investigative journalist, discovered there were at least 42,000 votes in the certified count of the 2020 Presidential Election that have no actual paper trail, including duplicate votes, and over 20,000 from tabulators that “do not exist.”...

In the case of the '20 Presidential, Fulton County came up with 17,000+ "votes" to put Biden over the top.  However, they cannot produce the ballots for those "votes."  And all across Georgia, 1.7 million ballots for the '20 Presidential are 'missing or destroyed' at the order of the State Elections Board.   That means that they cannot be re-counted.  Get the idea?

But Our Betters tell us to STFU.  Because.


  1. What does "1.7" ballots mean? You (or someone) left out something here. Hard to believe that Georgia only lost 1 & 7/10 ballots.

  2. What does "1.7 ballots" mean? There must be something omitted here. Are we to believe that Georgia only lost 1 & 7/10 ballots?
