Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"Lack of State Funding" or Ridiculous Spending?

The script which the mockingbirds read includes "lack of State funding" as a mandatory phrase whenever any school system has to cut something.  You hear it in Kenosha.  You hear it in Wauwatosa.  You hear it in Milwaukee.

The State increased school aid by $154.7 million in 23/24 AND increased it again by $379.6 million in 24/25"Lack of funding"?

Also:  Provide increases of $40,146,700 in 2023-24 and $56,887,700 in 2024-25 for special education aid

 Also:  $325 per pupil increase in 2023-24; $325 per pupil additional increase in 2024-25 in revenue limits.  (Requires a local tax increase.)

A dozen years ago (or so) the State sent extra aids to schools for each "special ed" student.  School systems responded by suddenly finding a whole lot of "special ed" students.  But that little game is now costing the districts, who hired lots of extra staff--including shrinks and social workers--putting themselves in a serious spending hole.

Does the State "under-fund" schools?  Or just "under-fund" teachers' aides, shrinks, school cops, social workers, and fleets of "administrators"??

You decide.

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