Sunday, May 12, 2024

What Do Zbig, Jimmuh, Mearsheimer, and Sachs Have.......

 What do those four VERY well-connected and VERY well-informed Moderate-Left people have in common?

A serious dislike of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.  (HT:  Wauck)

Most fun to watch:  the segment where Brzezinski bombs Scarborough in very clear terms without using the word "ignoramus."

The rest are dispassionate examinations of Israel's conduct.

It's not "Israel good, Pallies bad."  Nor is it "Pallies good, Israel bad."  They're both bad, and as Zbig makes clear, the US is a useless cluster of cells.

But hey!  The military-industrial complex is making money and the State Department remains fully-funded, so what's the big deal?  Several thousand dead people of one persuasion or the other, no skin off our nose!


We've said here that the Middle East is not our ranch, not our cattle.  If the US can actually lead both those horses to water and make them drink without sending a bazillion dollars of arms (for which we issue more debt), fine.  If the US cannot, then get the Hell out of there and shut up.

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