Monday, May 13, 2024

Lindsey's Fact-Deficiency, Again

It's even more clear that Lindsey Graham's brain is addled.  Too much time with his Mommy??

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press” that Israel needed to do whatever it takes to survive knowing that U.S. military officials are “full of crap.”

Host Kristen Welker said, “I guess the question is, why does Israel need the most massive bombs that can potentially level an entire block in order to wage this war?Why can’t it be more precise?”

Graham said, “Why did we drop two bombs, nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to end a war that we couldn’t afford to lose? You don’t understand, apparently, what Israel is facing.”

He added, “So when we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor, fighting the Germans and the Japanese, we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons. That was the right decision....

Actually, the Germans had surrendered in May of 1945We were not "fighting the Germans and the Japanese" after then--only the Japanese.  

Even more important, Graham's assertion that 'we were faced with destruction as a nation' by the Japanese is delusional.  The Japanese knew very well that invading the US would be suicidal for THEM as a nation, and they were in no position to blockade the US to choke our supply lines.  

Finally, let is not forget that the war in the Pacific was started by FDR, and that the Japanese offered surrender terms through Russia--but the perfidious Stalin did not transmit that offer to the US.  

Lindsey Graham is a blot on the Senate and the US.  He should be sent to the Ukraine front lines rather than sacrificing our children for his addle-brained, perverse, and ignorant sensibilities.

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