Friday, May 24, 2024

The Laugh-Line on WE Energies

Humor comes to the local rag!  The headline for this (on their main page) is "WE Energies Ahead of Game....."  

What "game"?  The Green Game!!

Yup.  And YOU are "behind."

We Energies this month will begin an eight-year transition away from coal power with the shutdown of two of the four electricity-generating units of its Oak Creek Power Plant.

The shutdown, the Milwaukee-based utility's first move in a plan rolled out last year to be coal-free by 2032, comes on the heels of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's release in April of a sweeping set of new rules for fossil-fuel energy sources that aims to cut emissions and reduce the negative health effects of air pollution....

You're paying about 25% more for electricity than you did 10 years ago.

There's a reason for that.  You are BEHIND on the "Green Game."

1 comment:

  1. Certainly not what Nikola Tesla had in mind
