Friday, May 24, 2024

Progress: the Easter Bunny for Jesuits

The tin god of the Jesuits is Progress, ya'know.

...Zac Davis, an associate editor at America, wrote that Butker’s speech sounded like the result of “an all-encompassing ideology,” which explains why “gender roles, Covid-19 policies, liturgical preferences and abortion should all fall under the same coherent theme of a commencement address.”

The ideology espoused by Mr. Butker goes beyond legitimate conservative-liberal differences, Davis argued, and fell into the backward-looking sectarianism that “Pope Francis has warned about repeatedly throughout his papacy.”...

Pp. Franny1 is a Jebby, as you recall.

The NOT-backward-looking is the "forward-looking,"--which is "Progress."   

"Progress" is like the Easter bunny.  Mature adults like Butker don't believe in it.

The Jebbies and Pp. Franny1?

Draw your own conclusions.


  1. When you cut out all the prayers except 13% of the old ones what is left is wheat tea or as you would say “ progress” Jorge Bolio represents the progress that Vatican too, has shoved down our throats. He is an antipope
    He is not even representative of being Catholic

    ………In keeping with this policy, only 13% of the prayers of the old missal, once the backbone of Roman Catholic worship, found their way into the new missal unchanged. The scholars with their scissors and paste were busy rejecting or rewriting most of what they came upon. The editing process was ruthless, removing most of the references to “detachment from the temporal and desire for the eternal; the Kingship of Christ over the world and society; the battle against heresy and schism, the conversion of non-believers, the necessity of the return to the Catholic Church and genuine truth; merits, miracles, and apparitions of the saints; God’s wrath for sin and the possibility of eternal damnation” (Michael Fiedrowicz, Traditional Mass, 239, with ample notes there). Gone are most references to the struggle against our sinful fallen nature, offenses against the Divine Majesty, wounds of the soul, worthy repentance, remorse, and reparation; the need for grace to do any good acts; the mystery of predestination; the relics of saints; the subordination of the secular sphere to the sacred; the snares of the enemy; victory over hostile forces, including the pagans; beautiful orations specifically addressed to Jesus Christ as God...


    Just find yourself a Latin mass and pray and pray and pray…..

  2. The National Catholic [Newchurch] Census Report on May 23, 2024, released the stunning news that on that southern continent, attendance by Newchurchers at the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan fake (invalid) "New Mess" of 1969- fell by a full one-third in just the five year period 2016-2020, the last five-year survey period for which statistics have been analyzed. Nor can the huge loss be laid at the feet of the Red China Virus, which affected only the last of those years. The previous five-year period, 2011-2016, had also seen a precipitous drop in attendance at the Novus Ordo pseudo-Mess.

    Newchurch went to the dark side dumping the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Traditional Latin Mass of two millennia. Newchurch has reverted to a Tower of Babel of vulgar tongues since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). For millenia it had essentially one universal Traditional Latin Mass, in the Sacred Language of Latin. Now in Australia alone the New Mess is babbled in 42 vulgar tongues! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

    Traditional Catholics, ironically, attendance increased only in the Chaldean and Syro-Malabar Eastern Rites, the latter being the rite that is fighting against Francis-Bergoglio and refusing to turn its altars around. That rite saw an increase in attendance of 90%. Even Newchurch has turned against its apostate Newpope Bergoglio, who ruled during the entire period of the study.
