Friday, May 10, 2024

Tammy Is an Ideas Factory!!

Baldwin is OK with the idea of killing babies right up to the second they're born.

Baldwin is OK with the idea of The Invasion over the southern border, too.  Doesn't matter who they are, so Tammy won't really ask.

But because killing babies and importing drugs, killers, and child sex-traffickers isn't enough for Tammy, she has a new idea!!

Yup.  Import thousands of "refugees" from Palestine right into Appleton and Stevens Point.

Tammy!!  The Ideas Factory!! 

Too bad Tammy is as ignorant as a stump, eh?

...Granting entry to millions of immigrants who otherwise possess values that are perfectly antithetical to those of the host nations is a manifestation of cultural blindness....

We already have millions of immigrants who possess values antithetical to those of the US.  But--come to think of it--Tammy has the same problem.  So she needs allies.

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