Friday, May 10, 2024

But They Told Us That The Nuns Were Mass-Murderers!

Remember back when Native Americans Indian Tribe Grifters told us that the nuns and priests who ran those Catholic schools for Indian kids were actually mass-murderers, killing off the children because HATRS?

Good times.  Good times.

But--as with most Democrat voters--those grifters lied.  A lot.  

...The Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations has confirmed significant spending to try and uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of potential unmarked graves at the Indian Residential School in Kamloops, BC.

However, despite the allocation of $7.9 million for this purpose, no remains have been recovered, and there has been no public disclosure of how the funds were utilized, says Blacklock's Reporter....

Not only zero bodies found--but the money *disappeared* and nobody knows where.

You don't have to be too smart to figure this out.

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